Diffie-Hellman is a way of generating a shared secret between two people in such a way that the secret can’t be seen by observing the communication.That’s an important distinction: You’re not sharing information during the key exchange, you’re creating a key together.
Diffie-Hellman algorithm is one of the most important algorithms used for establishing a shared secret. At the time of exchanging data over a public network, we can use the shared secret for secret communication. We use an elliptic curve for generating points and getting a secret key using the parameters.
- We will take four variables, i.e., P (prime), G (the primitive root of P), and a and b (private values).
- The variables P and G both are publicly available. The sender selects a private value, either a or b, for generating a key to exchange publicly. The receiver receives the key, and that generates a secret key, after which the sender and receiver both have the same secret key to encrypt.
Let’s understand the process step by step for user1 (sender) and user2 (receiver):
Steps | User1 | User2 |
1. | P, G => available public keys. | P, G => available public keys. |
2. | a is selected as a private key. | b is selected as a private key. |
3. | Eq. to generate key: x=Ga modP | Eq. to generate key: y=Gb modP |
4. | After exchanging keys, user1 receives key y. | After exchanging keys, user2 receives key x. |
5. | User1 generates a secret key by using the received key y: ka=ya modP | User2 generates a secret key by using the received key x: kb=xb modP |
Algebraically, 5th step can be shown as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | k<sub>a</sub>=k<sub>b</sub> It means that both the users have the symmetric secret key to encrypt. Example: 1. User1 and User2 get public keys P = 33 and G = 8. 2. User1 selects a as a private key, i.e., 3, and User2 selects b as a private key, i.e., 2. 3. User1 calculate the public value: <strong>x=(83 mod 33)=512mod33=17</strong> 4. User2 calculate the public value: <strong>y=(82 mod33)=64mod33= 31</strong> 5. User1 and User2 exchange public keys, i.e., 17 and 31. 6. User1 receives public key y = 31 and User2 receives public key x = 17. 7. User1 and User2 calculate symmetric keys: <strong>User1: ka=ya modP=313 mod33=29791mod33=25 User2:kb=xb modP=172 mod33=289mod33=25</strong> 8. 25 is the shared secret. Now, let's implement the Java code for the Diffie-Hellman algorithm: DiffieHellmanAlgorithmExample.java |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 | import java.util.*; // create class DiffieHellmanAlgorithmExample to calculate the key for two persons class DiffieHellmanAlgorithmExample { // main() method start public static void main(String[] args) { long P, G, x, a, y, b, ka, kb; // create Scanner class object to take input from user Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Both the users should be agreed upon the public keys G and P"); // take inputs for public keys from the user System.out.println("Enter value for public key G:"); G = sc.nextLong(); System.out.println("Enter value for public key P:"); P = sc.nextLong(); // get input from user for private keys a and b selected by User1 and User2 System.out.println("Enter value for private key a selected by user1:"); a = sc.nextLong(); System.out.println("Enter value for private key b selected by user2:"); b = sc.nextLong(); // call calculatePower() method to generate x and y keys x = calculatePower(G, a, P); y = calculatePower(G, b, P); // call calculatePower() method to generate ka and kb secret keys after the exchange of x and y keys // calculate secret key for User1 ka = calculatePower(y, a, P); // calculate secret key for User2 kb = calculatePower(x, b, P); // print secret keys of user1 and user2 System.out.println("Secret key for User1 is:" + ka); System.out.println("Secret key for User2 is:" + kb); } // create calculatePower() method to find the value of x ^ y mod P private static long calculatePower(long x, long y, long P) { long result = 0; if (y == 1){ return x; } else{ result = ((long)Math.pow(x, y)) % P; return result; } } } |