How to Use PHP Array Length in a For Loop3 min read

When working with arrays in PHP, it’s often necessary to iterate through the elements of an array. One common way to do this is by using the array length in a for loop. The length of an array represents the number of elements it contains, and this value can be accessed using the count() function in PHP.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to use the count() function to determine the length of an array and then use that length in a for loop to iterate over the array elements.

Example Code

Here is an example demonstrating how to use the PHP count() function and for loop to iterate through an array:


When you run the PHP script, the following output will be displayed:


1. Initializing the Array

In the example, we initialize an array $arr with a list of fruits:

This array contains four elements: "apple", "banana", "orange", and "kiwi".

2. Counting the Array Elements

Next, we use the count() function to get the total number of elements in the array:

This function returns the number of elements, which in this case is 4.

3. Using the For Loop to Iterate Through the Array

The for loop runs as long as the variable $i is less than the count of the array:

  • $i = 0 initializes the loop counter.
  • $i < $count ensures the loop runs until all elements are printed.
  • $i++ increments the counter after each loop iteration.

On each iteration, the value at index $i is displayed using echo.

4. Outputting the Array Elements

Inside the loop, we use the following syntax to output the element at index $i:

Each fruit name is printed on a new line due to the <br> HTML tag.

Important Notes

  1. Zero-Based Indexing In PHP, arrays use zero-based indexing. This means that the first element of the array is at index 0, the second element is at index 1, and so on.
  2. Count Function The count() function in PHP is very useful for determining the number of elements in an array. It works with both indexed and associative arrays.
  3. Alternative Looping Methods While the for loop is effective for iterating through an array, PHP offers several other ways to loop through arrays, such as the foreach loop. Depending on your needs, you may want to explore these alternatives.

Key Takeaways

  • The count() function returns the length of an array, which can be used in a for loop to iterate through the elements.
  • The for loop is a versatile way to access array elements sequentially by their index.
  • The output of each iteration is displayed using echo with the array value at the current index.


In this tutorial, we’ve demonstrated how to use PHP’s count() function to determine the length of an array and use that length in a for loop to iterate through an array’s indexed elements. This method is commonly used for handling arrays when the size is known in advance.

Feel free to experiment with different arrays, and explore other looping techniques like foreach for more flexible iterations!

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