Pseudocode Examples

Pseudocode for Reverse of a Number1 min read

Reversing a number is a common problem in computer science. It involves taking an integer and reversing its digits. For example, reversing the number 12345 would give 54321. Below is a simple pseudocode that demonstrates how to reverse a given number.


1. Start

2. Initialize a variable, reversed_number, to 0

3. Input the number to be reversed as n

4. While n is greater than 0, repeat the following steps:

  • Extract the last digit of n by calculating digit = n % 10
  • Update the reversed_number by multiplying it by 10 and adding the digit: reversed_number = reversed_number * 10 + digit
  • Remove the last digit from n by performing integer division: n = n // 10

5. Output the reversed_number

6. End

This pseudocode illustrates the steps involved in reversing the digits of a number. The process iteratively extracts the last digit, appends it to the reversed number, and removes the last digit from the original number until no digits are left.

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