Python Tkinter

Simple Calculator Example in Python 3 Tkinter8 min read

A simple python program to add, subtract, divide or multiply two integers. There ara two Entry, 4 RadioButtons and one Button to calculate the result. There are also Labels for provide information.

Example 1: This code is a simple calculator that allows the user to perform basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) on two numbers by entering them in the input fields and selecting the desired operation using radio buttons. When the user clicks the “Calculate” button, the function calculate is called, which uses an if-else statement to determine which operation to perform based on the value of the valRadio variable, which is set by the radio buttons. The result is then displayed in a label widget.


Simple Calculator Example in Python 3 Tkinter
Simple Calculator Example in Python 3 Tkinter

Python Code: Calculator in Python 3 Using Tkinter

The first line import tkinter as tk imports the tkinter library, which is a library for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in Python.

The calculate function is called when the user clicks the “Calculate” button. It uses an if-else statement to determine which operation to perform based on the value of the valRadio variable, which is set by the radio buttons. The valRadio variable is an instance of the IntVar class, which is a Tkinter variable class that holds an integer value. The IntVar class is used to associate the radio buttons with a variable and to get the value of the selected radio button.

If the value of valRadio is 1, the function performs addition. If the value of valRadio is 2, the function performs subtraction. If the value of valRadio is 3, the function performs multiplication. If the value of valRadio is 4, the function performs division. If the value of valRadio is none of these values, the function sets the result to the string “check radio button”.

The input fields for the two numbers are created using the Entry class, which creates a single-line text field where the user can enter a value. The StringVar class is used to create variables that are associated with the input fields and to get the values entered by the user.

The radio buttons are created using the Radiobutton class. Each radio button is associated with the valRadio variable and is given a unique value (1, 2, 3, or 4) to determine which operation to perform.

The “Calculate” button is created using the Button class and is associated with the calculate function. When the button is clicked, the calculate function is called.

The result is displayed in a label widget using the Label class and the textvariable option, which is set to the myText variable. The myText variable is an instance of the StringVar class, which is used to set the text of the label.

Finally, the mainloop method is

called to start the event loop, which listens for user input and redraws the GUI as necessary. This is what allows the calculator to function properly.

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Example 1: Here is an example of a simple calculator program in Python 3 using Tkinter:

This program creates a simple calculator GUI with two entry fields for the numbers, an option menu for selecting the operator, and a button to trigger the calculation. When the button is clicked, the calculate function is called, which gets the numbers and operator from the entry fields and option menu, performs the appropriate operation, and displays the result in a label. The widgets are then laid out using the grid geometry manager.

Here is a more detailed explanation of the code:

This line imports the tkinter library and renames it as tk for convenience.

This function is called when the “Calculate” button is clicked. It retrieves the two numbers that the user entered in the text entry fields, converts them to floating point numbers (since they are initially treated as strings), and stores them in the variables num1 and num2. It then determines the operation to be performed based on the value of the operator variable (which is set by the dropdown menu), and calculates the result. Finally, it updates the text of the result_label widget to display the result.

This creates the main window of the calculator, and sets its title to “Calculator”.

This code creates the various widgets that make up the calculator’s user interface. The Label widgets are used to display text, the Entry widgets are used to allow the user to enter text, the OptionMenu widget is used to create a dropdown menu, and the Button widget is used to create a button that the user can click. The StringVar object is used to store the selected operator, and the command argument of the Button widget specifies the function to be called when the button is clicked.

The grid() function is used to specify the layout of the widgets in the window. It takes a number of arguments that control the widget’s position and size in the window.

The row and column arguments specify the row and column numbers of the cell in which the widget should be placed. Rows and columns are numbered starting from 0.

The sticky argument is used to specify how the widget should be aligned within its cell. The value “e” stands for “east”, so in this case the widget will be aligned to the right side of the cell.

The columnspan argument is used to specify how many columns the widget should span. In this case, the operator_menu and result_label widgets span both columns.

The pady argument is used to specify the amount of padding to add above and below the widget. This adds some space between the calculate_button and the other widgets.

This runs an infinite loop that waits for the user to interact with the window, and handles the events that are triggered as a result. The mainloop() function is called at the end of the code to start the loop. When the user closes the window, the loop will terminate and the program will end.

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