Here we will write a program to implement Linear Search C++ programming language, so first lets...
Tag - Simple C++ Programs
C++ Programs Examples with Output
C++ stands out as a robust and advanced programming language, offering high-level capabilities...
C++ Program to Calculate the Power of a Number Using pow Function
In this program, we use C++ Math.pow() function to calculate the power of the given base. C++...
C++ Program to Calculate the Power of a Number Using For Loop
In this example, i’ll show you How to Calculate power of a number using a for loop in C++...
C++ Program to Calculate the Power of a Number Using While Loop
In this program, base and exponent are assigned values 3 and 4 respectively. Using the while loop...
C++ Program to Find Average of Marks
Formula: Average=Obtain Marks * 100 / Total Marks will be used in this program to find Average of...
C++ Program to Convert Minutes into a number of Years and Days
Program to calculate Number of Years and Days according to given minutes. There is total 525600...
Reverse an Integer in C++
C++ program to reverse the number entered by the user, then displays the reversed number on the...
BMI Calculator Program in C++
The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a quick way to assess your body size simply with your weight and...
C++ Program to Calculate Perimeter of Triangle
In this Program, we will calculate the Perimeter of the Triangle using Formula Perimeter=(a+b+c) in...