R Lang

R Program to check a number is a palindrome or not1 min read

In this program, You will learn how to check a number is a palindrome or not in R.

Example: How to check a number is a palindrome or not in R


A palindrome is a word, number, or other sequence of characters that reads the same backward as forward.

The function does this by first reading in a number from the user and then storing it in a variable called n. It then initializes a variable rev to 0 and a variable num to n.

Next, the function enters a while loop which will iterate as long as n is greater than 0. Inside the loop, it computes the remainder of n divided by 10 and stores it in a variable r. It then updates rev by multiplying it by 10 and adding r. Finally, it updates n by dividing it by 10 and taking the integer part.

After the loop ends, the function checks if rev is equal to num. If it is, it prints a message saying that the number is a palindrome. If it is not, it prints a message saying that the number is not a palindrome.

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